The XL Big Daddy Coffee Mugs are huge mugs with a big serving capacity great for so many uses. Use the XL Big Daddy Coffee Mugs for coffee and tea, but also for dunking donuts or a cup of soup.  This big daddy comes in four colours and has a great canvas to carry your logo or message.

Product Code: WP3065S-XX  XL Big Daddy Coffee Mug 20 oz.
Ht : 4″         Dia : 4″         Wt : 36 lbs         Cs : 24         Imprint Size: 3″W x 3″H



BLACK : WP3065S-05


BLUE : WP3065S-287RBL


White : WP3065S-02



Quantity 72 144 576 1008+
One Colour White $9.39 $9.29 $9.19 $8.99
One Colour Black or Cobalt $9.99 $9.79 $9.59 $9.49
Add Colour $1.59 $1.49 $1.39 $1.29
Bottom Print N/A

This form of printing utilizes a 2 component baked enamel.  Although this process may stand up to dishwashing, as a result of recent changes in the marketplace where new citric based material is being added to dishwashing detergents, we can no longer warrantee E-2 for permanence. These citrus based products contain acid which will effect the long term performance of the print.  This product is intended for promotional purposes with use in domestic applications and should not be used in a commercial environment.   In order to keep the lasting beauty of this product, it should only be hand washed.   Where higher durability and performance is required, please refer to the lehr fired product.

Setup Charges for E-2 Printing is $75.00(g) per colour
When Ordering less than minimum, a $35.00 less than minimum surcharge per colour will apply.
Repeat Setup charges within 12 months reduce to $37.50(g)per colour


Quantity 72 144 576 1008+
One Colour White $9.89 $9.79 $9.59 $9.49
One Colour Black or Cobalt $10.49 $10.29 $10.19 $9.99
Add Colour $1.69 $1.59 $1.49 $1.39
Bottom Print N/A
This form of printing utilizes a frit fired ceramic type enamel that is kiln fired to provide maximum dishwasher resistance.
Setup Charges for Lehr Fired Printing is $75.00(g) per colour
When Ordering less than minimum, a $35.00 less than minimum surcharge per colour will apply.
Repeat Setup charges within 12 months reduce to $37.50(g)per colour


Quantity 24 48 96 240 480+
White – One Location $14.89 $14.79 $14.69 $14.59 $14.49
Black or cobalt – One Location $15.49 $15.29 $15.19 $14.99 $14.89
Add Location $6.75 $6.50 $6.25 $6.00 $5.75
Bottom Print $6.75 $6.50 $6.25 $6.00 $5.75
Colour Fill $3.75 $3.50 $3.25 $3.00 $2.75
This form of printing actually carves into the surface of the glass producing a deep etch that is permanent.  It is possible to sand carve on the bottom of this mug as well and would be treated as an additional location if it was in addition to side decorating.
Setup Charges for Lehr Fired Printing is $75.00(g) per location
When Ordering less than minimum, a $35.00 less than minimum surcharge per colour will apply.
Repeat Setup charges within 12 months reduce to $37.50(g)per location


Packaging is available for boxes of 1, 2, 4, 6,8’s.  Or can be customized based on your need. The boxes are produced of a nice jet black e-flute cardboard yielding a nice clean gift type box and includes liners to separate the product when required.  Boxes come standard with a stab style lock to hold the lid closed.  Boxes can be enhanced with printing, or with an appliqué to contain the logo and/or information for special events or a simple thank you to your customer.
Box for 1 unit:                     4″ X 4 X 4-1/4″  –   $  2.99 (e)
Box to hold 2 units:         8″ X 4″ X 4-1/4″  –   $  3.99 (e)
Box to hold 4 units:       8″ X 8″ X 4-1/4″  –   $  4.99 (e)
For information on other configurations, and on printing or appliqués, please forward you request to:  info@kalvanna.com

Dishwasher resistance. 

Machine dishwashing should be avoided with any printed product to maintain its lasting beauty. Although our product is somewhat dishwasher resistant, a lot has gone on in the industry over the past year or two. A number of the companies that produce dishwasher detergents are adding a product called citric acid. In some cases, the concentrations of this type of acid are very high, and problems have begun to surface throughout the industry. These issues are not exclusive to us, as all decorators have been working toward different strategies to combat the problem. The citric acid and alkaline in the detergents sit on the glass and ceramic, and over time, begin to attack the surfaces. This does not just affect any printing, as it slowly breaks down the glass or ceramic body’s surface. Over time, the glass surfaces will start to look pitted or foggy, but what is actually happening is that the acids and alkali are softening the surface and then an actual tiny piece of the surface breaks away. Over time the entire surface begins to look very scratched and/or cloudy. The same thing has begun to happen with the Lehr fired prints, and over time can break down the surface and begin to wash away. Ironically our E-2 printing, which is the cheaper version, is less affected by this phenomenon. However, E-2 is a baked enamel method similar to the auto body paint on your car, so it is less scratch-resistant. In commercial dishwashers, the chemicals used are different, and we rarely see this issue.
Although Lehr firing is still the more durable, we usually recommend its use in commercial settings, in domestic locations, where promotional glassware tends to be, we recommend going with the “E-2” product. These combinations appear to be the best scenarios for the current market. In some cases where it is necessary to use transfers, Lehr firing is the only option.
Again, the issues noted above are rare but do exist, so we would always encourage hand washing where possible. As a result of these recent changes in the industry, we, unfortunately, do not offer a warranty on dishwasher resistance on our products.

One last note. Due to the construction of ALL stainless steel type tumblers and cups, they should always be hand washed and should not be put in the dishwasher.